Inserted Tooth Head-Saws
Inserted Tooth Head Saws:
Each socket of the inserted tooth saw is punched and milled to very precise tolerances so that the bits and shanks fit as perfectly as possible. The shoulders and backs are designed for maximum strength yet still accepting your feed rate. Every saw is tensioned to your speed before it is shipped to you insuring it will run on your mill.
The popular F pattern is for mills requiring a fine tooth for cutting soft, hard, or frozen timber. Your best choice for general purpose sawing.
The B pattern is for mills requiring a medium tooth for cutting soft, hard or frozen timber. It is also used in heavy duty edgers.
The #2 1/2 is specifically designed for fast smooth cutting, for mills of good power, fast feed and uniform high speed. Excellent for knotty timber because more teeth of this pattern can be put in a saw of given diameter than with any other pattern.
The #3 pattern is an excellent general purpose saw and the one most recommended for portable mills. Coarser teeth than the #2 1/2 pattern require less power to operate.
We carry a full line of bits and shanks, as well as many hard to find sizes We welcome your inquiry. In addition to furnishing you with new blades, parts and supplies, we can also assist in troubleshooting your mill. Give us a call at (800)752-0627, or check out Doc Jeff's Trouble Shooter at